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DSHRIP | Medicare Disproportionate Share (DSH) Revenue Improvement Program

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Medicaid/Medicare Insurance ID Acquisition Services (MIDaS) – Monthly/Periodic Batch

When it comes to batch eligibility verification GDS is known to current clients as the industry-leader for achieving optimal results through its extended search capabilities, cutting-edge data analysis, and scrubbing methodologies. Our dedicated group of experienced analysts gives individualized attention to each file we process, and our entire staff, from CSR’s to C-suite, prides itself on offering you the best personalized customer care.

Leverage our industry-leading expertise to maximize eligibility match results nationwide to:

  • Review Inpatient & Outpatient unpaid balance accounts for billing purposes (in-state and out-of-state).
  • Identify Medicaid eligible days for your internal DSH analysis.
  • Identify Medicare Part A, Part B, and Part C benefits for reimbursement and/or billing purposes.
  • Maximize Medicaid EHR incentive payments by establishing threshold Medicaid Patient Volume and/or increasing Medicaid Share.
  • Establish or maintain 340B status.

Our turnaround times are fast and we’re happy to create customized eligibility reports to meet your unique needs.

Please contact us at (800) 370-7397 x101 to learn more or to get your free, no obligation demo of our MIDaS Insurance ID service.

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