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Chris Cusimano Jun 10, 2024 2:51:24 PM < 1 min read

SCOTUS Grants Writ of Certiorari to Hear Advocate Christ Case

On June 10, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States granted the petitioners a Writ of Certiorari. Thus, SCOTUS will hear the case and decide whether the phrase “entitled ... to benefits,” used twice in the same sentence of the Medicare Act, means the same thing for Medicare Part A and Supplemental Social Security benefits, such that it includes all who meet basic program eligibility criteria, whether or not benefits are actually received. The case will be heard during the October 2024 Term, although it is not yet set for argument as of this writing.

Contact Adam Blackwell at to further discuss strategies pertaining to SSI realignment, SSI ratio settlements, and Medicare DSH.